Rock Garden Perennial Seeds
by Diane Linsley
At my old house, I had rock gardens all over the place. Whenever I needed a rock for landscaping, all I had to do was dig a hole, and I was guaranteed to find one (or more). You might say that rock gardening was my specialty.
Things are different at this house. When I need rocks, I have to buy them. It's nice to have deep soil, but sometimes I miss my rock gardens.
Rock Gardening Ideas
Most rock gardens are raised beds with the soil mounded up, interspersed with attractively-placed rocks. The soil can vary from sand to clay, but it usually has good drainage. For these conditions, choose drought-tolerant perennials.
If you don't have the right conditions in the garden, you can create a miniature rock garden in a container. I make cement planters for tiny rock garden plants, which are frequently overlooked or shaded out in the large gardens.
Sun-loving rock garden plants thrive along the edge of the driveway. Most other plants hate the hot, dry conditions in this area.
Most rock gardens are sited in full sun, but some are located in part shade. My list includes plants for both areas. Click here for shade-tolerant flowers.
People usually think "small" when they think of rock gardens. So I limited my list of rock garden perennials to those with short to medium height. I left out anything that self sows too vigorously. You don't want your little rock garden gems to get crowded out!
Rock Garden Seeds
Aethionema schistosum - Drought-tolerant perennial with pale pink flowers that smell like cotton candy. I love this in the rock garden.
Aquilegia (Columbine) - There are several small columbine species that are perfect for rock gardens. They bloom in a variety of colors in May and June.
Aster alpinus - Alpine aster blooms in May and June with dark violet-blue, soft lavender-blue, or rich pink flowers.
Dianthus arenarius - Fragrant, pure white, fringed flowers on mounding plants. Drought-tolerant perennial. Easy to grow from seed.
Dianthus cruentus (Blood Carnation) - A rare species that is barely hardy in our zone 5b garden. The flowers are a wonderful shade of dark red.
Dianthus pinifolius - Small mounds of grass-like leaves. Crimson-red flowers. Rare perennial for the rock garden.
Digitalis obscura - Sunset-red and gold flowers with red veins and spots. Surprisingly drought tolerant for a digitalis species.
Lavender 'Lady' - Compact variety with highly fragrant, lavender-blue flowers. Cut back by half after blooming to keep the plants shapely.
Penstemon - There are many penstemon species that grow beautifully in rock gardens or well-drained containers.
Thymus serpyllum - Creeping Thyme. Excellent for planting between paving stones or large rocks to fill in the cracks. Drought-tolerant.
Viola cornuta 'Bowles Black' - A small viola with very dark flowers. It self sows abundantly in the spaces between rocks and larger perennials.
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