It's a wonderful choice for rock walls or other nooks and crannies that need a cheerful floral touch in spring.
Aster alpinus is native to European Alps and Central Asia, as well as Alaska and Colorado. Also known as Aster alpinus 'Albus'.
height 12" spacing 12"
Aster alpinus 'Dark Beauty' has dark violet-blue flowers with golden-yellow centers. It's one of the first perennials to bloom in May and June.
Alpine aster 'Dark Beauty' is an excellent choice for the rock garden. It makes a lovely companion plant for columbine, dragonhead, iberis, and basket of gold. Drought tolerant and deer resistant.
height 12" spacing 12"
Aster alpinus Seeds
Aster alpinus is a spring-blooming perennial with daisy-like flowers. Hardy in zones 3-8.
Sowing Aster alpinus Seeds
Start aster seeds indoors in 8 weeks before the last frost date. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Full sun to part shade.
Aster alpinus 'Goliath' has soft lavender-blue flowers that are unusually large for this species. It blooms in late spring to early summer when there are few other flowers in the garden.
Alpine aster 'Goliath' is wonderful in the rock garden, at the edge of a path, or at the front of the border.
height 12" spacing 12"
Alpine aster 'Pinkie' is nice at the edge of a path or in the rock garden. It prefers poor, well-drained soil. This lovely variety was introduced by Jelitto Perennial Seeds in 1999.
height 12" spacing 12"
Aster alpinus 'Dark Beauty'
(Alpine Aster)
50 seeds $3.75
Aster alpinus 'Goliath'
(Alpine Aster)
50 seeds $3.75
Aster alpinus 'Pinkie'
(Alpine Aster)
50 seeds $3.75
Aster alpinus 'White Beauty'
(Alpine Aster)
50 seeds $3.75