Sunflower 'Chocolate Cherry' Seeds
Sunflower 'Chocolate Cherry'
(Helianthus annuus)

35 seeds   $3.00          

Sunflower 'Chocolate Cherry' has 5-8" wide, deep burgundy flowers with dark chocolate centers. The plants are nicely branched.

Chocolate Cherry sunflower is lovely at the back of the border. It also makes a great cut flower.

Plant bushy annuals like rudbeckiafour o'clockcosmos and zinnia around the base of sunflowers to hide the leggy stems. 

height 6'

Sowing Sunflower 'Chocolate Cherry' Seeds

Sow sunflower seeds outdoors after the last frost date, 1" deep. Thin to 18" apart. Full sun.

Sunflower Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

Sunflower 'Chocolate Cherry'