Squash 'Vegetable Spaghetti' Seeds

Vegetable Spaghetti squash is a 12" long winter squash with light yellow flesh that pulls apart like spaghetti strands when cooked. It makes a wonderful substitute for pasta. Stores well for up to 6 months.

Chinese heirloom.​

Sowing Vegetable Spaghetti Squash Seeds

Sow squash seeds outdoors after the last frost date, 1" deep. Sow in hills spaced 4-6' apart. Thin to 2 plants per hill. Full sun.

Winter Squash Seeds

Vegetable Seeds

Squash 'Vegetable Spaghetti'
(100 days) Cucurbita pepo

30 seeds   $3.00        
Squash 'Vegetable Spaghetti'