Evergreen White bunching onion is a hardy biennial that can be eaten in the first year or overwintered. The plants multiply, bloom, and self-sow the second year. Space 3" apart with 8" between the rows. Allium fistulosum.
American heirloom, 1944.
Onion Seeds
Growing your own onions is fun and convenient, since you can harvest them as needed. They also taste great! And they have amazing health benefits.
Sowing Onion Seeds
Sow outdoors 4 weeks before the last frost date, 1/4" deep. Or start indoors 6-12 weeks early. Full sun to part shade.
Onion 'Red Beard Bunching'
(50-120 days)
230 seeds $3.00
Red Beard is a lovely bunching onion with long, red and white stalks. This hardy onion can be left in the ground over winter to multiply or self-sow. The mild flavor is great for soups and salads. Allium fistulosum.
Chinese heirloom.
Onion 'Evergreen White Bunching'
(60-120 days)
200 seeds $3.00
Walla Walla is a very large onion with a mild flavor. It has some cold hardiness, so it can be sown outdoors in early spring in the north, or in fall where the winters are mild. Award-winning flavor. Does not store well. Allium cepa.
American heirloom, 1900.
Onion 'Walla Walla'
(115 days)
200 seeds $3.25