Morning Glory 'Light Blue Star' Seeds
Morning Glory 'Light Blue Star'
(Ipomoea purpurea)

40 seeds   $3.25

Morning Glory 'Light Blue Star' is a rare selection with a dark violet star on a light blue background. The vigorous plants bloom heavily until frost.

Light Blue Star morning glory is a good choice for groundcover, fences and trellises. It can also be grown in large containers and hanging baskets. Hummingbirds sometimes visit these colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers.

Ipomoea purpurea 'Light Blue Star' is a variable strain. When I grew it, there were a few white-flowered plants. These should be removed to keep the strain pure - unless, of course, you enjoy the variation :)

height 8'  spacing 12"

Sowing Morning Glory 'Light Blue Star' Seeds

Nick morning glory seeds and soak overnight. Sow outdoors after the last frost date, 1/4" deep. Or start indoors 4 weeks early. Full sun. 

Morning Glory Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

morning glory light blue star